Thursday, November 20, 2008

YorkU on Strike? Here's something uh, different.

A few weeks back, a friend and I were in a bit of a spot. We were talking about the future of the world and other larger than life matters. Of course, I'm just lying because that never happened. However, we did manage to create a cheap and dirty spoof on the Christmas song, The 12 Days of Christmas. I thought it would be fitting to share that song here. Especially since this was supposed to be a class blog.

Of course the Strike has hit Day 14, but that's beside the point. We made this before the strike and now it's complete. It probably would have been up on the 12th day if we finished it, but we got stuck. So I sent it around and had another friend help out with one of the verses.

This is a complete change from the 'class lecture notes' that I have been posting. But I realised that meh! Who cares! How about something different?

So here it is, and remember, this is one big joke. Not the strike, the song spoof. I'm still quite undecided about the whole strike situation as I can't seem to get enough information about it.

The 12 Days of Striking

On the first day of striking,
YorkU forced on me
a raise in tuition fees

On the second day of Striking,
YorkU forced on me,
Two student loans,
And a raise in tuition fees.

On the third day of Striking,
YorkU forced on me,
Three side jobs,
Two student loans,
And a raise in tuition fees.

On the fourth day of Striking,
YorkU forced on me,
Four extra courses,
Three side jobs,
Two student loans,
And a raise in tuition fees.

On the fifth day of Striking,
YorkU forced on me,
Four extra courses,
Three side jobs,
Two student loans,
And a raise in tuition fees.

On the sixth day of Striking,
YorkU forced on me,
Six fees a-paying
Four extra courses,
Three side jobs,
Two student loans,
And a raise in tuition fees.

On the seventh day of Striking,
YorkU forced on me,
Seven hit and running's
Six fees a-paying
Four extra courses,
Three side jobs,
Two student loans,
And a raise in tuition fees.

On the eighth day of Striking,
YorkU forced on me,
Eight grades a-failing
Seven hit and running's
Six fees a-paying
Four extra courses,
Three side jobs,
Two student loans,
And a raise in tuition fees.

On the ninth day of Striking,
YorkU forced on me,
Nine jobs a-leaving
Eight grades a-failing
Seven hit and running's
Six fees a-paying
Four extra courses,
Three side jobs,
Two student loans,
And a raise in tuition fees.

On the tenth day of Striking,
YorkU forced on me,
Ten cars a-beeping
Nine jobs a-leaving
Eight grades a-failing
Seven hit and running's
Six fees a-paying
Four extra courses,
Three side jobs,
Two student loans,
And a raise in tuition fees.

On the eleventh day of Striking,
YorkU forced on me,
Eleven strikers striking
Ten cars a-beeping
Nine jobs a-leaving
Eight grades a-failing
Seven hit and running's
Six fees a-paying
Four extra courses,
Three side jobs,
Two student loans,
And a raise in tuition fees.

On the twelfth day of Striking,
YorkU forced on me,
Twelve buses bussing
Eleven strikers striking
Ten cars a-beeping
Nine jobs a-leaving
Eight grades a-failing
Seven hit and running's
Six fees a-paying
Four extra courses,
Three side jobs,
Two student loans,
And a raise in tuition fees.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

What are we doing now??

¬¬speculative industry
what about the people that buy domains to sell
when you buy you don’t get anything but a name
we think most of it’s free but it’s not. The internet is free, so people have found opportunity to make money

Wiki – online collaborative environment
Problems if anyone can make changes
Can have some good collaboration
Seed ideas – people to come to your idea. It can go into any direction

If you trying to transfer ideas from one model to the next, it might not work. Participation is always limited by something else. Are we just participating with like minded people?

Radical Nounism
One word description.
Noun to describe something we have seen grown in. Emphasis on noun-laden rhetoric. Syntax is garbled and speaks in terms of nouns. Talking in negative / positive doesn’t work. Any reference, it’s a form a name-calling. Way used in negotiations and identity. Come to understand why we focus on things when there are so few. Difficult to draw the line between radical and non-radical. It’s hypocritical to do so. Started approx 10 years ago and drawn when of formula for always being right.

Case study
Defines case/ membership
Provides context, historical
Provides theoretical context to understand
And provides outlet.
Radical nounism, part 2
Alternative from of a case study

For more info:
YorkU website search contract negotiation CUPE

Flash Mob time!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Notion of Viral Media

Flow and relationship in production.
Which one is more important, if you are participating, producer or redistributors more important.

Power and responsibility, increasing spread of trivialization of info.

• What is the impact of us gate keeping
• How do you find what you shared
• What bout stuff you don’t want
• Think about how stuff that you delete, what sort of power is that?
• Who are gate keepers
o Whole range, from advertiser to readers to shareholders, to owners, producers, editors etc
• By pressing del, you are occupying many of those roles. You are doing what traditionally place of authority. If in another context, making important decision.
• The connection between yourself and the others who also got that message.
o Have you claimed your Nigerian lottery?? Etc
o Still have power to get rid of or forward
o Have power to send both fluff and real stuff
• When you do send, you recognize whom you can send to. Filtering
• How does information spread?
• The more power if distribute, the more the effigy of the message has
• You are participating your endorsement via sending
• Because so many more things to spread, we all need to spread
• Not much different from niche channels
• You are engaged as a distributor through viral spreading

- why would you hide distribution list
o responsibility to protect privacy
- Do you care about who saw the thing? Or do you just want to see it?
- To present yourself in certain manner, by what you send
- Some use that distribution to be middle man

- What makes it powerful is that people send it
- you give it cultural currency
- production doesn’t presuppose the distribution
- is it the content itself or the distribution that makes it popular
- Do you have reciprocal responsibilities
- Snowballs participation, forced collaboration
- Creative Commons; distribution caveats
- Rules to distribution and re-distribution
- Built around sending links and not giving material
- To where the video is hosted and everything encompassing it
- New form of participatory distribution
- Pre-existing?
- Structure engineered to encouraged to share, open as possible
- If equal, the more we click the link the higher up in search

Why not burn those videos to disk?
- everyone we want to share it with, has access
- thus distribution list is limited to those with access
- certain transience to YouTube
- transience part is distribution
- things that don’t last very long

YouTube Justice
- you can film something
- it can be really important only if someone picks it up

Citizen Journalism
- if you have something that can be visualized, and you can provide cheap/free content then we want it

Camcorder Revolution
- transformed event
- turned into inflammatory, not just video tapped but distributed
- distribution created the spectacle
- political economy surrounds distribution networks

To a certain extent we produce fictional audience when we make our distribution list

When you produce for someone else, your produce within a template. We don’t make our own stuff that often. We’re plug-in to templates. Creating audience within a set of tools. When you make for yourself, you’re limited to your own tools.

When you’re distributor, your limited to your constrained environment.

Indy Media
- gaps in mainstream
- but usually to only like minded people
- rare that those in the network distribute to anyone outside of it
- it’s because if you are talking to someone who already believes, you may be fueling their passion
- if you want to change the world, but if no one looks than that participation is lost.

Spreading the word isn’t always the best idea
- copycats

Often it’s the fact that everyone talks about it makes it important. The substance doesn’t matter or who’s talking about it.
What does it mean to be successful
- how do you know whether or not it is good
- how do you mean success
- not just as authorship but about distribution

Why is there a sense of hurt if something is rejected that you share
- personal
- question yourself
- offensive, you take time to do something
- not that you were wrong, you assume they were wrong - judgment
- more about you and not them
- Well that just blew in my face, next time I won’t send. You self edit.
- Every now and then, you email and say don’t send

- You are a producer in a regular channel but not necessarily in content
- Notion of participatory, if we are doing multiple things. Production, distribution, redistribution.
- When you get to the same point again and again, you’ve reached saturation.
- If you start to recognize the people in your distribution – 6 degrees
- Doesn’t’ have linear beginning and end

Next Class:
We’re going to make something. Think about authorship and distribution.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

More Media Bios

We starteed with media biographies. More great projects on how people use media in their life.

- Gamers have a lot contribute to meda; largely by their participation
- Imitating real life media
- Train soldiers
- simulators
- Whole new market, new funding
- new hardware
- social impact (addictions)
- recruitment tool

- element of play important to participation
- only works if a lot are doing it
- transformative environment
- play as in plugging in to something or creativity

Question - Who am I? Who am I writing for? What do I have to say?
- Why are we blogging?
- Walter Ong, student of McLuhan
- Developed oral societies framework
- He was a practising Catholic Priest
- Transformation from oral to print
- Author's Audience is Always Fiction
- I don't know who they are, I don't know if they'll like me
- Audience imaginaire, you have to make up the audience
- you alwasy have one. who did you imagine
- anticipate who you want
- the "outsider" could be anybody (nameless, faceless)
- it's hard to write for
- act of creating the audience is harder
- creating audience creates the content
- made up who the audience is, because you don't know who they're gonna be
- in imagining an audience differently, you write differently

What is the role of the producer? What is your impact?
- sell them an idea
- not necessarily about selling
- convicing / compelling
- what influence
- insight
- "I don't blog b/c what's so important about me"
- many start with "I don't know who I"m writing for or if anyone will read..."
- as they get picked up, they change
- on very many levels we will
- by linking / not linking you create a community for sharing
- conditions for participation
- once there is a collision of blogs, there is a clash in audience
- not jsut interested in when theyr with you
- when you just put something out there, someone will read it
- or programmed a computer to link to other things

- If blog about self
- exposed
- defensive
- reliable (having to post) responsible, if you post something, post more
- self organising system, network
- not necessarily linear
- some linear, some orphaned, some non heirarchtical
- choice of platform pre-disposes type of participation

- platform determines behaviour - not in techno determinative way
- engaged a particular audience
- blogs regulated? ELUA CCRF HR

- Net Neutrality
- Who controls the internet?
- The owners of the servers?
- The owners of the content?
- What about network owner?
- multi layers of ownership
- EULA there to protect their business
- vast majority of users don't read EULA
- limited factors - set rules / parameters of participation
- us or the market that makes the demands
- what creates the conditions for change
- participation impacts for a limited time.
- those restrictions may be more important than what you are allowed
- make you self edit
- evolves sometimes out of interest

- no course in audience studies at York
- you don't own the content once you publish according to some EULA
- sometimes we imagine the audience two fold: who we want to see it, and whose rules we have to abide by
- different layers - audience we don't want to offend when we find the audience we want to
- imagine that the restrictive audience is a thing. But no more real than anything else. just as made up.

-Engaging in the participation - audeince, content, production
- transform yoursleve from this is a wide open thing to an active participation uadience
- it will be perfect for your audience

-if there is grnad narraive judging you - you do nothing

- Question of flow
- where do the things you see/read come from

Thursday, September 18, 2008

- Internal vs External participant
- How do you define participation
- Do you have to be a professional / amateur?
- How do you gauge participation?
- How many layers are there?
- What depth?
- Transformation of how we work with the mediums
- Social difference?
- knowledge difference?
- Arguably the kids now are physiologically different
- Digital Native vs Digital Immigrant
- Participation by engaging by traffic? Do you have to be in and there? Not just driing by like everyone else? Not part of the traffic
- If everyone else is doing it and I don't, am I still participating? What if everyone is doing it and I question it?
- What if I don't do it on purpose?

- Is there a fundamental difference between how we communicate? Big words vs txt speak

Class exercise:
Link to everyone's blog.
Cannot pass notes.
Cannot yell across the room.

Facebook group: SOSC 4330 on the York University Network

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

First Post

It has been a very tumultuous start to the school year. I've already feel like I'm under a mountain of stress. Although I'm not behind, it certainly feels that way.

As most people that know me already know, I'm not one to stick it out to write things down. (Unless it's something important that I need to remind myself of later. Or it's a "to do" item.) I have owned several blogs over the last few years. All of them have been because of school. I have never felt the urge to write, so this 'assignment' is not different. And if you really must know, those blogs have all fallen into a virtual graveyard. I have no idea what happened to them, nor do I feel the need to resurrect them. At the same time, I really don't remember most of them. But the most recent one can be found at:

Feel free to request posts on any topic that relates to the course. The last blog was the most successful of all the other blogs as I wrote in it more than five times. Let's hope this one is better than the last.