Thursday, September 25, 2008

More Media Bios

We starteed with media biographies. More great projects on how people use media in their life.

- Gamers have a lot contribute to meda; largely by their participation
- Imitating real life media
- Train soldiers
- simulators
- Whole new market, new funding
- new hardware
- social impact (addictions)
- recruitment tool

- element of play important to participation
- only works if a lot are doing it
- transformative environment
- play as in plugging in to something or creativity

Question - Who am I? Who am I writing for? What do I have to say?
- Why are we blogging?
- Walter Ong, student of McLuhan
- Developed oral societies framework
- He was a practising Catholic Priest
- Transformation from oral to print
- Author's Audience is Always Fiction
- I don't know who they are, I don't know if they'll like me
- Audience imaginaire, you have to make up the audience
- you alwasy have one. who did you imagine
- anticipate who you want
- the "outsider" could be anybody (nameless, faceless)
- it's hard to write for
- act of creating the audience is harder
- creating audience creates the content
- made up who the audience is, because you don't know who they're gonna be
- in imagining an audience differently, you write differently

What is the role of the producer? What is your impact?
- sell them an idea
- not necessarily about selling
- convicing / compelling
- what influence
- insight
- "I don't blog b/c what's so important about me"
- many start with "I don't know who I"m writing for or if anyone will read..."
- as they get picked up, they change
- on very many levels we will
- by linking / not linking you create a community for sharing
- conditions for participation
- once there is a collision of blogs, there is a clash in audience
- not jsut interested in when theyr with you
- when you just put something out there, someone will read it
- or programmed a computer to link to other things

- If blog about self
- exposed
- defensive
- reliable (having to post) responsible, if you post something, post more
- self organising system, network
- not necessarily linear
- some linear, some orphaned, some non heirarchtical
- choice of platform pre-disposes type of participation

- platform determines behaviour - not in techno determinative way
- engaged a particular audience
- blogs regulated? ELUA CCRF HR

- Net Neutrality
- Who controls the internet?
- The owners of the servers?
- The owners of the content?
- What about network owner?
- multi layers of ownership
- EULA there to protect their business
- vast majority of users don't read EULA
- limited factors - set rules / parameters of participation
- us or the market that makes the demands
- what creates the conditions for change
- participation impacts for a limited time.
- those restrictions may be more important than what you are allowed
- make you self edit
- evolves sometimes out of interest

- no course in audience studies at York
- you don't own the content once you publish according to some EULA
- sometimes we imagine the audience two fold: who we want to see it, and whose rules we have to abide by
- different layers - audience we don't want to offend when we find the audience we want to
- imagine that the restrictive audience is a thing. But no more real than anything else. just as made up.

-Engaging in the participation - audeince, content, production
- transform yoursleve from this is a wide open thing to an active participation uadience
- it will be perfect for your audience

-if there is grnad narraive judging you - you do nothing

- Question of flow
- where do the things you see/read come from

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