Thursday, May 14, 2009

Final Day

Motivation to do it something
why did we stop doing our projects

if there is a rough structure why don't we just put it out there?

What qualifies something as being so bad that we abondon?
- personal standard vs external motivation
- comparison to outside stuff
- reciprocal
- preconceived notions

In participation what's more important?
- consumption
- production
- feedback

- someone will see it eventually

- passive aggressive audience?
- what they didn't say was worse

If you aim high and give up vs low quality but keeps going - what's worse?
- if you aim low and inspire other low
- aren't you also inspiring the person who will never reach the high end?
- low quality may play into ego (I can do better)
- more people are making crap

Globally you'll be within top 5-10% of the population for graduation.
- but you still think you're not as good

Content being bad
- but everyone has seen it
- the sharing is more important

When you get into higher number of visits chances are someone shared it.

Maybe participation is sharing.
then you are not necessarily producing or consuming
the act of others letting others know.

The good producer is that 'gold standard'
- but it's part of a hierarchy

is there a hierarchy for sharing?
- you don't evaluate the content
- you do go to your friends and will trust
- theoretically you know which ones to follow

The curator of this act of sharing is someone who is an expert that I trust.

Chaos and Complexity theories.
War in the Age of Intelligent Machines
How the Leopard Got Its Spots

Self organising systems -those experts win out.

Based on rhetoric of democratising media.
- is really a falsity
- you have the option and participation but is selective
- illusion
- we want to believe?

media effects
- we "know" certain cannons even if it's false
- why do we present these false realities

How does the illusion benefit
- to distract between the truth

Can you participate any way you want?
- rules govern how you can interact
- rule of property
- intellectual property
- depends on the notion of ownership

Offline rules have not caught up with online rules

Most laws are based on the notion of private property.
- if I own, I decided
- if you own, I have to ask for permission to share

If you're circulating a link via email is the message or the content of the link being circulated?

Group Share on our portfolios:
1) Biggest think I learned
2) What it means
3) What now?

Disconnects from what you're learning now and what your academic career

Most people think of the internet as a metaphor:
- freedom / limitlessness

Infinite possibilities sound great until you are asked to do something
- million things that can go wrong - how do you pick

The internet as a way of thinking - epistemology

predisposed set of rules
- writing for a class is different than writing on self
- self imposed limits

I have and idea:
- do i make my idea with the tech
- do i create the tech to do what I want
- do i transform my idea to something new

Most of us will defer to what is already there.

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