Thursday, April 9, 2009


- ebb & flows - how it relates to some remote activity.
--> Micro to mega

How it plays a role in any form of collective activity, enterprise.  How it transforms participation.

ie Facebook friendships
- you reconnect, you talk all the time and then you have long stretched out conversations
- if it dips in users, can't it survive?
- means of interaction may change
- is replacement the only way to get rid of something.
- people who abstain in small numbers may not make a difference
- based on potential of interaction / possibility
- I could if I wanted to - in a scalable manner.  Part of the momentum

Momentum in terms of participation is artificial.

Tipping Point - Malcolm Gladwell
-how somethings stay small and some blow up
- can't plan for everything, somethings just happen

How do you harness the power of momentum?
- you can hope for
- requires external validation
- unless you want to do it for yourself, you need others to buy in
- ie Hush Puppies trend
- is arbitrary
- how do you get this power?  (Foucaltian sense)
- how do you  get this to work?
- how do you figure out right place right time?
- how do you not give up out frustration if things don't work

Momentum often happens in the background
Is a very powerful force.

Conga Time!

Imagined expectations. 
What do you want them to get out of it?
Goal in mind with certain degree of interaction around you.
If it looks like a unified mass, no one wants to join.  If it belongs to everyone, they want to have to believe that they own it too.
Thoughtful of 'tagging' of gathering others - attracting viewers, comments.  Inviting others to participate is your motivation to keep going.

There is a momentum to silence to active inclusion.
Now these days, it is hard to be in middle (in terms of participation)

If you don't comment on other's blog, how will they know about yours?  Reciprocity?
In order a forward there needs to be a back and forth.  Momentum.

We can all be a part of an online identity.

Notion of participation predicated on the notion of ownership.
We share things that we don't own.
We don't care if we don't own.
Don't feel restricted by the notion of ownership... we can do whatever we want
Then why would we make anything if anyone can participate.
Transfer of ownership if it was seen by someone other than the creator itself.

Free as is beer is something we take for granted.
The question for can we freely circulate music isn't on our minds so much.  We don't see it as stealing, we are 'downloading.'  It is a question of how free circulates.

Portfolio (one organising principle)  Most important thing to articulate is what you learn.
- this is what I expected to happen (about the medium and more generally, about communication in your learning)
- this is what happened. what you did.  what you found.
- analysis.  This is what it taught me about the phenomenon.
- Overall you can link it to a greater picture.
- ie blogging to a greater connection, new wave etc.  So I... etc
- if you can and it makes sense, add academic theory.  but you have to offer a sufficient explanation.
- send a description of what you made as well
-MOST IMPORTANT - what you learned

You are the interface between geek and people. 
If you aren't, you are developing a facility to be that interface.  How the possibilities can work.  If you can learn that from the processes now...
what are the benefits, outcomes - that's the take home from the portfolio.  It's time consuming but easy to do.

Photo Scavenger hunt will be done next time.  To find hidden things.  To expose hidden things.  The less likely things can hide.  Takes the obscure and makes it more visible.  
Once you open the hidden, it becomes public and no longer special.  Especially when you have participation - my things become our things.
Bring your camera!

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