- what is this process and how do I go about doing it?
- exercise as autoethnography
- looking at self doing things
- thinking about doing thing as a process
- reflecting on learning from the projects as opposed to doing the projects
How do you make your own job?
You pitch to the right people.
How do I know what I know? How do I know?
How do I connect it to others?
The Last Word:
- 1 page to 2 page
- letter format
- Generally give an overall, what my experience was. Not quite an evaluation.
- Links to you as an individual
- self assessment of your participation.
- To make it easier do it for Ravi, use a number.
- How do you evaluate participation?
- what elements?
- Contribution that stimulates conversation (relevant)
- People sharing outside sources
- Time (inside and out)
- thoughtfulness (the amount of care)
- how you shared your knowledge / skills
Participation according to Ravi:
- did I come as often as I could / should?
- when I was here did I actively pay attention to what was going on
- was I sufficiently prepared to come to class to contribute?
- how do I come prepared without a reading list?
- noticed things around in the world to bring things in
- when I had something to say did I say it? Share it?
- Did I say too much so that others didn't say anything?
- Ultimately, the point of this class is did I actively endeavour to connect this to the rest of the world?
- even things you shared with the class
When you self evaluate get two scenarios:
- too low
- too high
- Content?
- Method of Distribution?
- Business Model?
How are newspapers going to survive?
- incremental payment
- pay per article
- iTunes Store style --> iNews
- because of the way we do things
- create a new market for a product
- means to an economic end
- understand archiving and sharing
- the need to work together
- why do we have the ability to play old games on new systems?
- because gamers love the games that they used to play
- they love the games they play now
- backtrack
- if there is a desire, they work in community - in order to get the games to play - because they want to
- Co-creation - doesn't seem like work anymore
- participation through pleasure is different than participation through profit
Conversation of the day:
Me: My notes aren't that good.
R: I know you're notes aren't good, I read them over today. ... grammatically and such...
Me: But they're notes!
R: ...if you are going to share, you have a responsibility...
Me: (Thinking to self: Oh burn)
1 comment:
Your haircut makes your blog better.
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